Posted on 6 March 2025
The Village Greengrocers, with a prime spot in the centre of Charlton Village, is the winner of the Best of Royal Greenwich High Street Retailer of the Year award
WHEN Bardan Pradhan set up The Village Greengrocers in Charlton in 2017 he was clear about his ambitions. He wanted to build a business that embraced new ideas, that worked with local suppliers to deliver local products and services wherever possible, and that was at the heart of the local community.
It's an approach that has paid off. The Village Greengrocers has twice won the Best of Royal Greenwich High Street Retailer of the Year award, once in 2020 and again in 2024. The most recent award, this year sponsored by Hindwoods, was given in February 2025, at a ceremony organised by the council in association with LandsecU+I and supported by the South East London Chamber of Commerce. It celebrates businesses that have made an outstanding contribution to the borough.
It's not difficult to understand why the judges gave the award to Pradhan’s business. The Village Greengrocers is a highlight of its high street; it is a riot of colour in the middle of Charlton village. It’s not just visually appealing, it’s stuffed with the sort of food and drink that makes you want to stop and buy. It stocks fresh, locally sourced, mainly organic produce from London and the South East, including eggs from Surrey, fruit from Kent, and wine and bread from businesses in Greenwich. Loyal locals browse the shelves for fruit, vegetables, herbs, spices, cheeses, bottles of wine and even household refills such as liquid soap. The shop also does deliveries – part of the business that grew during the Covid pandemic.
Supporting local businesses
The Village Greengrocers also supports local artists – it sells cards that show nearby buildings or landscapes, including the shop itself. All the wooden crates that are used as display boxes come from Greenwich Mencap’s Riverwood Shop; they are all made by adults with learning disabilities and use recycled wood.
It is – in short – what every local shop should be. ‘It’s more than the village greengrocer,’ agrees Pradhan. ‘It is more than a business. It is crucial for the community – it is an anchor business in the community. It supports that small, local economy.’
Pradhan, originally from Kathmandu, has an MA in business administration. He’s used the skills gained in his degree, alongside practical skills gained in roles as a tutor, a smartphone area development manager, and as the co-owner of a fast-food company, to build The Village Greengrocers into an award-winning enterprise. Building the business is all-consuming. He is up at 4am most days to visit New Spitalfields Market in Leyton, the fruit and vegetable wholesaler, before putting in a day in the shop that finishes at 6pm and might also include deliveries to customers.
It's a great example of entrepreneurship – work hard, have a clear vision, love what you do, and the rewards will come. Pradhan plans to expand the online and delivery arm, as well as potentially replicating the retail model in other villages. ‘What is it they say? If you build it, they will come'.
He has already looked at potential warehouse space to support his expansion plans. ‘We wanted to take up a small warehouse to carry on and grow online deliveries,’ he says. ‘We also wanted to sell flowers and plants.’ The expansion plans were put on hold as the economy stumbled after Covid – but Pradhan is keen to reignite them.
For now, the priority is to capitalise on his most recent award – and update the awning outside the shop to recognise the 2024 award (‘a nice problem to have’). Pradhan describes winning as a ‘joyous moment’ but says that ‘the hard work starts now’.
For more information about The Village Greengrocers find them on Instagram
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