Party Wall

If you're a building owner planning significant work on a wall that's near or shared with an adjoining owner, you need to follow proper procedures. The first step is to inform your neighbours via a Party Wall Notice. This must be done in writing at least two months before work starts.

However, if you've recently received a Party Wall Notice from nearby owners, you'll want advice on its implications for you and your property.

To arrive at an arrangement which protects both owners, a Party Wall Agreement can be prepared by one of Hindwoods's RICS Party Wall Surveyors.

For Building Owners

For any digging or construction works within 3 metres of your neighbours' property (more in some cases), you must serve written notice to any adjoining owner who may be affected.

Projects needing a Party Wall Agreement may include:

  • Removing a chimney breast on a party wall
  • Underpinning a party wall for a basement extension
  • Cutting into the party wall to insert beams for a loft extension
  • Excavation works for an extension near a shared structure

For Adjoining Owners

If you receive a Party Wall Notice from one of your near neighbours, they're planning works which fall under the Act, such as those listed above. You have 14 days to respond with one of three options:

  • Consent to the works
  • Disagree to the works and appoint a surveyor to act on your behalf
  • Disagree to the works and appoint the building owner's surveyor to act as the Agreed Surveyor

Reaching agreement

If consensus isn't reached, surveyors for each owner (or an Agreed Surveyor) will negotiate a Party Wall Agreement. The agreement outlines the planned building works and how they will be carried out, including hours of work.

The Party Wall Act

Since it came into force in 1997, the Party Wall etc Act has given owners of neighbouring buildings a practical framework for proceeding with projects.

A Party Wall Agreement helps prevent or resolve any disputes concerning either party walls, party structures, boundary walls, and excavations. It's there for everyone's protection.

The Agreement typically includes a detailed Schedule of Condition which is prepared before work starts and reviewed after completion. Any changes are noted and form the basis for agreeing to any necessary remedial works.

Additional uses for Party Wall Agreements

Party Wall Agreements can come into play whenever issues arise concerning works by shared boundaries. As well as structural walls, this includes apartment ceiling cracks and garden excavations. We provide expert advice based on a sound Party Wall Agreement.

How Hindwoods can help

Whether you're the building owner or the adjoining owner, our surveyors at Hindwoods are here to assist you. We can also serve both parties as the Agreed Surveyor to provide impartial advice for a practical route forward.

For more information about our Party Wall Agreement services, get in touch.

Estate agent reviewing housing model and blueprints

Party Wall
Agreement Services

For more information about our Party Wall Agreement services, get in touch.